Laser OIU or Optical Internal Urethrotomy is used to treat urethral strictures. Urethral
stricture is a medical problem when the urethra becomes narrow. Due to this the urine is
unable to pass in a free and strong stream like before and about half of the urine
remains in the bladder. In the Laser OIU procedure, the body tissues in the urethra are
removed, to make it wider. The patient is then able to urinate normally without any
problem. You can book an appointment with Dr. Atul Jain here for Laser OIU treatment
for Urethral Stricture. Laser OIU is a minimally invasive therapy, as well as the stricture is
normalized with a laser, and also no Incision or cuts are made
The reasons behind urethral strictures can be
● Any type of instrumentation or surgery in the past
● Urinary catheterization
● Trauma such as pelvic fracture
● Recurrent or Severe infection in the urinary tract
What are the Symptoms of urethral stricture?
● The urine stream is weak and with a foul smell
● The individual needs to make an effort to urinate, even after which the urine
stream fails to improve.
● The patient takes too much time in peeing. Often some people take around 10 to
15 mins to pee but still feel unable to empty the bladder fully.
● Urine can have pus cells in it
● Often, there can be discomfort in the urethra as well
● The person may require to get up during the night often to pee, which is referred
to as nocturia.
If the urethral stricture is less than 1 cm then laser OIU is the best treatment for it. In
this, a cystoscope is placed inside the urethra and the tissues that are blocking the urine
path are removed. This procedure succeeds in small/short strictures. Laser OIU is a
very popular as well as reliable treatment of urethral stricture. There is no downtime and
the patient feels better almost instantly
Which tests are required prior to the Laser OIU procedure?
● Blood Tests
● Urinalysis
● Urine Culture
● Uroflowmetry
● Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCUG), it shows how the urine is passing
through your bladder and ureter while urinating.
● Retrograde Urethrogram (RGU)
● Urethroscopy etc.
What are the benefits of the Laser OIU procedure for Urethral
● Much less Bleeding
● Less time of Hospitalization
● Early catheter removal
● The patient is discharged on the same day
● Healing rates are high
Are there any risk factors associated with the Laser OIU procedure?
Although, it is a safe procedure every surgical procedure carries a few risks. The
chances of such risks are quite lower with an experienced urologist like Dr Atul Jain.
Here are a few –
● The danger of infection in the urinary tract and also at the site of the operation.
● The recurrence of urethral stricture
● Bleeding
Book an Appointment with Dr Atul Jain for Urethral Stricture Treatment in Delhi by Laser